Welcome to the Cyprus Issue Conference 2019

It is our great pleasure to announce and invite you to our 2nd International Conference on “The Cyprus Issue: Past, Present and The Vision for the Future” which will be held on 1-3 April, 2019 at Near East University, Lefkoşa, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Our first conference was held in 1997 and was completed with great success.

The main aim of this 2nd conference is to re-visit the subject in view of important local and regional developments since 1997 and analyze how these have impacted the political settlement process in Cyprus, as well as the needs of stability and cooperation in the Eastern Mediterranean region.

UN facilitated negotiations to realize a new bi-communal and bi-zone federal partnership based on the political equality of the Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot communities as co-founders have repeatedly failed since 1977. The political talks have been completely stalled since the failure of the Crans Montana Summit in 2017.After forty years of failed federal partnership negotiations we believe the time has come to start thinking outside of the box and explore alternative options aimed at resolving the Cyprus issue.

The discovery of hydrocarbons in the Eastern Mediterranean has added a further international dimension to the Cyprus issue, putting new pressure on the stalemate and ringing alarm bells regarding the need to have a new look at the issue. These discoveries can both reinforce or scuttle the ongoing political stalemate, with potentially negative ramifications impacting all stakeholders, including multinational companies investing in the area.

As political equals, the natural resources of the island are co-owned by both of its peoples. The optimal exploitation of hydrocarbon resources in a stable environment is best possible through respect for the rights of relevant stakeholders.

It is in view of the opportunities and challenges that Cyprus and the region is now facing that we would like to invite you to join us at this conference to discuss and share your analysis/perspectives related to the topic.

We would therefore be delighted if you would honor this distinguished conference.

All travel and accommodation expense of keynote speakers at sessions will be met by the organizers

We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience,


Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Gökçekuş
President of the Conference
Dean, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Near East University